Flavien Bertran de Balanda
Centre d’Histoire du XIXe siècle, Sorbonne Université
In the foreword to the Comédie humaine, Balzac places the latter under the patronage of «two eternal Truths: Religion, Monarchy». Bossuet and Balzac would seem to be the best representatives of these truths. Yet, the Mémoires de deux jeunes mariés is considered to be the novel where counter-revolutionary theories are most present, in particular regarding the family and masculinity. To the idea of pure re-infusion, this article prefers that of reappropriation and reformulation. The author takes into account elements of Bonaldian philosophy, but in order to propose an updated reading in the context of mid-nineteenth-century France. How does this allow him to describe and explain the reconfiguration of the social roles assigned to woman and man, and the new face of conjugality?
Balzac – Bonald – Theories of conjugality– Family Studies– Gender Studies
DOI: 10.13131/2611-9757.suitefrancaise.n2.9