Momento francese
Suite française 7/2024
DOI: 10.13131/unipi/6kj1-at49

Roberto Colozza - Antonio “Toni” Negri has been one of the most influential Marxist thinkers of his time, and theoretician of the Autonomia operaia

Gabriele Gallina - With reference to unpublished materials (which could be consulted in the Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno Archive

Sabina Ciminari - Through essentially published (interviews, poems) and unpublished (diaries, letters) documentation, the link between Alba de Céspedes and France

Julien Santa Cruz - In 1937, Cioran aged 26, arrived in France in order to prepare a thesis in philosophy, however it never materialized.

Cesare Panizza - The essay reconstructs the exile in France of Nicola Chiaromonte and Mario Levi as paradigmatic examples of the complex redefinition of identity

Nicola Del Corno - After escaping from Lipari Rosselli arrived in Paris on August 1, 1929 in the company of Lussu, Nitti and Tarchiani.

Jacopo Bernardini - This essay discusses the significant influence of Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch on constitutional law and rationalized parliamentarism.
![Se Parigi è «spasmodia di contorni [in] configurazione polipoidale». Alberto Savinio e l’apprendistato francigeno](
Giuseppe Crivella - This text analyses the literary production of the Italian writer Alberto Savinio (1891-1952) in the light of his relations with French culture.

Sofia Tincani - The intellectual fervor that animated Paris during the interwar period stimulated the publication in France of Isaak Babel

Lukas Brock - After having moved to Paris in august 1902, Rilke is immediately challenged by a modern world that he rather avoided in the past.

Silvestre Gristina - The aim of this paper is to provide a historical-conceptual analysis of the link between Marx’s Parisian experience

Fiorenza Taricone - The article concerns the pedagogist and political writer, Zoé Gatti de Gamond, (1806-1854) follower and critical interpreter of Fourierism.

Arianna Amatruda - Starting from Heinrich Heine’s relationship to Saint-Simonianism and his reworking of its emancipatory thought