Xavier Tabet
Université Paris 8
This paper recalls the thought of Alessandro Fontana (1939-2013), one of the Michel Foucault’s key collaborators between France and Italy. Here, Fontana’s writings dedicated to modern rationality and the birth of the sciences and techniques aimed at achieving the truth about men are take into account. In particular, this study tries to bring out the links that exist in those studies between different subjects: Venice and its political myth, Machiavelli and the ambassadors during the Renaissance, Beccaria and criminal law between ancien régime and the nineteenth century. Written by his friend and disciple, this essay also seeks to restore the charming style of the intellectual and professor of the École Normale Supérieure.
Foucault – Machiavelli – Criminal law – the Myth of Venice
DOI: 10.13131/2611-9757.suitefrancaise.n3.2