Fiorenza Taricone
Università di Cassino
The article concerns the pedagogist and political writer, Zoé Gatti de Gamond, (1806-1854) follower and critical interpreter of Fourierism. Virtually unknown in Italy, she was born in Belgium, but has numerous contacts with France. In particular, his stay in Paris proved decisive for his political planning. Zoé is the author of a dense book: Fourier et son système, published in 1838, a year after the master’s death; experienced considerable success, was reprinted five times and translated into English; the book brought her growing popularity and also hypothesized her role as an official referent of Fourierism. However, she is not just an uncritical follower, because she believes that Fourier’s thought is very vulnerable and unacceptable with regards to sexual mores and the so-called women’s liberation.
Utopianism – Sexual liberation – Sansimonism – Duties – Education
DOI: 10.13131/unipi/3nge-kg51