Alejandra M. Salinas - This chapter first highlights the institutional aspects of liberal democracy as present in volume one of Democracy in America.

Venelin I. Ganev - The collapse of Marxist dictatorships across Eastern Europe in 1989 set the stage for a process of democratization.

Guillermo Pérez - The current political and social crisis in Chile is a contemporary example that demonstrates the validity

Anthony Petros Spanakos - The works of Alexis de Tocqueville clarify much of the confusion that exists in contemporary analyses of democratization

Elżbieta Ciżewska-Martyńska - This essay sheds light on the history of reading Alexis de Tocqueville’s writings among the Polish

Kuangyu Zhao - Introducing on the reception and popularity of Tocqueville’s ideas in China, this paper explores the certain

Marco Zolli - Tocqueville viewed Russia as an important case study of despotism, where absolute power is exerted

Emmanuel Plasseraud - From the opposition between egalitarian democracy and elitist aristocracy, Tocqueville seems to have anticipated

Mattia Volpi - This study aims to compare the portrayal of American jurists in Tocqueville's Democracy in America with socio-political categories

Lucia Re - The essay deals with Alexis de Tocqueville’s writings on the prison system, paying special attention to Le système