Bertrand Binoche - Foucault avoids the term «ascétisme» and prefers «ascétique».

Valerio Marchetti - Michel Foucault dedicated an essential part of Les aveux de la chair to the figure of the monk.

Gennaro Boccolino - Following the transformations occurred within the structure of the medical gaze

Laura Cremonesi - Like many other Michel Foucault’s books, Discipline and Punish provoked some polemical

Raffaele Grandoni - In this paper I will focus on a specific aspect of Foucault’s oeuvre: the epistemological

Alessandro Simoncini - The article focuses on some fragments of Foucault’s work from which

Giulia Guadagni - The work of Michel Foucault has often been interpreted as an example of Relativism

Antonella Salomoni - In 1962 Roland Barthes published a short semiological essay on faits divers

Alexandre Escudier - The article focuses on the courses given by Foucault at the Collège de France