De l’ascétisme à l’ascétique

Bertrand Binoche - Foucault avoids the term «ascétisme» and prefers «ascétique».

Dopo “Les aveux de la chair”

Valerio Marchetti - Michel Foucault dedicated an essential part of Les aveux de la chair to the figure of the monk.

Naissance de la clinique et l’invisible de la maladie. Une histoire du corps malade

Gennaro Boccolino - Following the transformations occurred within the structure of the medical gaze

Illuminismo, critica e potere in Michel Foucault: a partire da Sorvegliare e punire

Laura Cremonesi - Like many other Michel Foucault’s books, Discipline and Punish provoked some polemical

Per un’epistemologia critica. Il contributo del metodo foucaultiano

Raffaele Grandoni - In this paper I will focus on a specific aspect of Foucault’s oeuvre: the epistemological

Dai “droits de l’homme” al “droit des gouvernés”. Sulla critica foucaultiana dei diritti umani

Alessandro Simoncini - The article focuses on some fragments of Foucault’s work from which

Ogni cosa è un’invenzione recente. Foucault e gli equivoci del nominalismo

Giulia Guadagni - The work of Michel Foucault has often been interpreted as an example of Relativism

“Faits criminels”, “Faits divers”, “Contre-faits divers”: Gide-Barthes-Foucault

Antonella Salomoni - In 1962 Roland Barthes published a short semiological essay on faits divers

Le legs et l’impasse. Sur la gouvernementalité foucaldienne

Alexandre Escudier - The article focuses on the courses given by Foucault at the Collège de France