Tzvetan Todorov, auteur, éditeur. Au rythme de la collection et de la revue Poétique
Fanny Lorent
Université de Liège
La Conquête de l’Amérique is the first book that Todorov did not appear in «Poetic» since he came to create this collection in 1970 with Gérard Genette et Hélène Cixous. He co-led the collection until 1987. For nearly fifteen years «Poetics», as well as the eponymous magazine, were thus at the center of the intellectual life of Todorov, keeping it both as an author and editor. Follow this trajectory, the creation of «Poetic»/Poetics in the wake of may 68 until the last book that Todorov gave the collection (Critique de la critique in 1984), therefore, enter both the evolution of the theoretical thinking of the author and the fluctuations of his editorial practice.
Poetic – Symbolism – Ethical – Theory – Practice Editorial
DOI: 10.13131/2611-9757.SUITEFRANCAISE.N1.8