Anna Di Bello
Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”
In 1833 Balzac published the Médecin de Campagne, which he defined as «a great thing» and nowadays appears to be his most political work. Within this novel, it seems possible to find out Balzac’s political ambitions, although the plot centers on the figure of Benassis, a Parisian doctor who become the major of a small village in Savoie near Grenoble. There he is driven by the desire to heal the people of the village. Indeed Balzac, who was keen on politics and was involved as propagandist editor as well as member of the chamber, is also the author of the Du gouvernement moderne, a manuscript which contains all his political-philosophical project, and which the French writer enlarges, deepens and merges in the Médecin de Campagne. Thus, this latter can be described as the summaof his political thought. In this perspective, Benassis and Goguelat’s speeches represent the highest expression of his vision.
July Monarchy – Mixed government – Civil courage – Napoleon of the people – Religion
DOI: 10.13131/2611-9757.suitefrancaise.n2.6