Toni Negri in Francia. Frammenti d’un esilio dolceamaro

Roberto Colozza - Antonio “Toni” Negri has been one of the most influential Marxist thinkers of his time, and theoretician of the Autonomia operaia

Effetto Baudelaire: Theodor Adorno a cent’anni dalla morte del poeta delle Fleurs du mal

Gabriele Gallina - With reference to unpublished materials (which could be consulted in the Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno Archive

«Far scoppiare subito la crisi». La “resistenza” di Alba de Céspedes a Parigi

Sabina Ciminari - Through essentially published (interviews, poems) and unpublished (diaries, letters) documentation, the link between Alba de Céspedes and France

Cioran et la France. L’exil d’un nihiliste au pays de l’Intelligence

Julien Santa Cruz - In 1937, Cioran aged 26, arrived in France in order to prepare a thesis in philosophy, however it never materialized.

Nicola Chiaromonte, Mario Levi e l’esilio in Francia

Cesare Panizza - The essay reconstructs the exile in France of Nicola Chiaromonte and Mario Levi as paradigmatic examples of the complex redefinition of identity

Il primo anno e mezzo di Carlo Rosselli a Parigi (agosto 1929-dicembre 1930)

Nicola Del Corno - After escaping from Lipari Rosselli arrived in Paris on August 1, 1929 in the company of Lussu, Nitti and Tarchiani.

La “Rivoluzione Silenziosa” di Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch nel Diritto Costituzionale del Novecento

Jacopo Bernardini - This essay discusses the significant influence of Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch on constitutional law and rationalized parliamentarism.

Se Parigi è «spasmodia di contorni [in] configurazione polipoidale». Alberto Savinio e l’apprendistato francigeno

Giuseppe Crivella - This text analyses the literary production of the Italian writer Alberto Savinio (1891-1952) in the light of his relations with French culture.

Da Mosca a Parigi: alchimie russo-francesi. Isaak Babel’, L’armata a cavallo e la casa editrice Rieder

Sofia Tincani - The intellectual fervor that animated Paris during the interwar period stimulated the publication in France of Isaak Babel

Le Parisien converti: la formation de Rilke entre 1902 et 1906

Lukas Brock - After having moved to Paris in august 1902, Rilke is immediately challenged by a modern world that he rather avoided in the past.