Les sciences sociales et les questions d’environnement: les problématiques de la fin de la nature

Catherine Larrère - For French social scientists studying environmental issues, nature does not exist.

La natura non ha storia. Note sul concetto di natura nell’Introduzione alla lettura di Hegel di Alexandre Kojève

Giovanni Fava - The aim of this essay is to study the concept of nature in Alexandre Kojève’s philosophy, with a special reference

Contronatura. L’eccezione umana e la «letteratura assoluta» nella teoria dell’espressione di Merleau-Ponty

Riccardo Valenti - This paper focuses on several issues related to Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of expression.

Charbonneau: la passione per la natura e la libertà

Alessandra La Rosa - The aim of this paper is to analyze Charbonneau’s commitment to a return to nature, while taking into account that