Da Mosca a Parigi: alchimie russo-francesi. Isaak Babel’, L’armata a cavallo e la casa editrice Rieder

Sofia Tincani - The intellectual fervor that animated Paris during the interwar period stimulated the publication in France of Isaak Babel

Le Parisien converti: la formation de Rilke entre 1902 et 1906

Lukas Brock - After having moved to Paris in august 1902, Rilke is immediately challenged by a modern world that he rather avoided in the past.

Marx e il concetto di proletariato. Note sulla genesi di un concetto a partire dal periodo parigino (1843-1845)

Silvestre Gristina - The aim of this paper is to provide a historical-conceptual analysis of the link between Marx’s Parisian experience

Zoé Gatti de Gamond e il fourierismo

Fiorenza Taricone - The article concerns the pedagogist and political writer, Zoé Gatti de Gamond, (1806-1854) follower and critical interpreter of Fourierism.

Heine a Parigi: il «palcoscenico» della querelle des femmes

Arianna Amatruda - Starting from Heinrich Heine’s relationship to Saint-Simonianism and his reworking of its emancipatory thought

Reading Tocqueville in Argentina

Alejandra M. Salinas - This chapter first highlights the institutional aspects of liberal democracy as present in volume one of Democracy in America.

Reading Tocqueville in Postcommunist democracies

Venelin I. Ganev - The collapse of Marxist dictatorships across Eastern Europe in 1989 set the stage for a process of democratization.

Reading Tocqueville in Chile

Guillermo Pérez - The current political and social crisis in Chile is a contemporary example that demonstrates the validity

Reading Tocqueville in Venezuela

Anthony Petros Spanakos - The works of Alexis de Tocqueville clarify much of the confusion that exists in contemporary analyses of democratization