Tocqueville e il carattere nazionale

Michela Nacci - This article deals with the idea of national character in the opinion of Tocqueville. It is an intellectual tool that

Tocqueville e la subordinazione delle donne

Anna Guerini - Beginning with some methodological considerations on the status of modern political concepts, the essay

Poétiques de l’agression dans l’œuvre d’Agrippa d’Aubigné

Jean-Raymond Fanlo - In Les Tragiques, Agrippa d’Aubigné writes against the King at a time when royal authority has been re-established.

Femmes […] quels sont les avantages que vous avez recueillis dans la Révolution? Olympe de Gouges interprete storica del suo tempo

Antonia Criscenti - In 1791, Olympe de Gouges accused and contested the Revolution which excluded by human rights

Madame de Staël e la scrittura come militanza politica: il pamphlet in difesa di Maria Antonietta

Giuseppe Sciara - During the years of the French Revolution, writing was Madame de Staël's main weapon

Virulento, paradossale, persino impertinente: Joseph de Maistre redattore di pamphlets

Cristina Cassina - Including Joseph de Maistre among the authors who have performed the art of the pamphlet is one of the latest