The articles – in French, English or Italian, in Word format and between 20,000 and 50,000 characters in length, including notes and spaces – must be sent to:
The font used is Baskerville: the dimensions are 12 for the text and 10 for the notes.
The papers, with 1.5 line spacing, divided into numbered paragraphs and accompanied by a short title, must be accompanied by five key words and a short abstract in English.
The quotes reported in the body of the text must be placed between quotation marks « », while the terms to be highlighted can be indicated with italics, or by placing them between double quotes “ ”.
Long quotations must be inserted in the body of the text without any quotation marks, but as stand-alone paragraphs (i.e. with double spacing above and below), of size 11, with spacing 1 and indented with respect to the text. If part of the text is omitted within the quotation, this must be indicated as follows: […].
Notes must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and must be placed at the foot of the page. In the first citation, the author’s surname is preceded by the initial of the name.
The note number must be placed in the body of the text before the punctuation mark, as in this case:
In the famous work on democracy[1], Tocqueville states that…
The note number must be placed after the point in the case of a long quote, in 11 font, with 1.0 spacing and indented from the text, as in this case:
Sans une vue nette de l’ancienne société, de ses lois, de ses vices, de ses préjugés, de ses misères, de sa grandeur, on ne comprendra jamais ce qu’ont fait les Français pendant le cours des soixante années qui ont suivi sa chute; mais cette vue ne suffira pas encore si l’on ne pénétrait jusqu’au naturel même de notre nation.14
- a) citation from volumes
First citation: D. Williams, Japan and the Enemies of Open Political Science, London – New York, Routledge, 1996, p. 34.
Subsequent citations: Williams, Japan cit., p. 56.
In the case of collective volumes: D. Felice (a cura di), Dispotismo. Genesi e sviluppi di un concetto filosofico-politico, Naples, Liguori, 2001, vol. 1, p. xvi.
In the case of foreign collective volumes, the following will be added after the name of the editor: (ed) if there is only one editor, (eds) if there is more than one.
In the event that there are two authors: E. Mazza – M. Nacci, Paese che vai. National characters between theory and common sense, Venice, Marsilio, 2021.
In case there are more than two authors: H. Williams – D. Sullivan – G. Matthews, Francis Fukuyama and the end of history, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1997
or: H. Williams et al., Francis Fukuyama and the end of history, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1997. The same rule applies when there are more than one places of publication.
- b) citation of essay in volume
First citation: T. Casadei, Dal dispotismo al totalitarismo: Hannah Arendt, in D. Felice (a cura di), Dispotismo. Genesi e sviluppi di un concetto filosofico-politico, Naples, Liguori, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 625-673.
Subsequent citations: Casadei, Dal dispotismo al totalitarismo: Hannah Arendt cit., p. 630.
For the rest, the rules described in point a) apply.
In the case of another essay from the same volume, cited subsequently: N. Urbinati, Figure del dispotismo in John Stuart Mill, in Felice (a cura di), Dispotismo cit., vol. 2, pp. 545-574: p. 562.
- c) citation of essay in journal
First quote: C. Cassina, Virulento, paradossale, persino impertinente: Joseph de Maistre redattore di pamphlets, in «Suite française», 5/2022, pp. 53-66: p. 61.
For subsequent citations, the rules described in point a) and point b) apply.
In the case of another essay in the same magazine issue, the quote must be repeated in full, to avoid confusion: G. Sciara, Madame de Staël e la scrittura come militanza politica: il pamphlet in difesa di Maria Antonietta, in «Suite française», 5/2022, pp. 37-51: p. 50.
- d) abbreviations
page = p.
pages = pp.
when there is a quotation from the same work cited in the previous note, but with a different page = ivi (example: Ivi, p. 18)
when the citation also corresponds in the page number = the first time ibidem is used, the subsequent times ibid.
following = s. (example: p. 5 s.)
following = ss. (example: p. 5 ss.)
compare = cfr.
volume = vol.
volumes = voll.
tome = t.
tomi = tt.