The magazine hosts articles about French culture and politics. Authors respond to the call, which each time will focus on a different theme. The articles – in French, English or Italian, in Word format and between 20,000 and 50,000 characters long, including footnotes and spaces – will be sent to and submitted for review by two anonymous scholars. The character used is Baskerville: 12 pt for the text and 10 pt for footnotes.
The essays, broken down into paragraphs, must be accompanied by five keywords and a short abstract in a language different from the one of the text.
Citations in the text are placed between guillemets: « », while terms to be highlighted are italicised or else placed between neutral quotation marks: “ ”.
Long citations are to be placed inside the body of the text without any quotation market, as self-standing indented 11 pt paragraphs. Any omitted part of the text inside the quotation must be indicated as follows: […].
Notes, which must be limited to the essential ones both in number and in extension, are numbered with Arabic numerals and are footnotes.
- a) citations from books
First citation: D. Williams, Japan and the Enemies of Open Political Science, London and New York, Routledge, 1996, p. 34.
Further citations: Williams, Japan cit., p. 56.
In the case of miscellaneous volumes: D. Felice (ed.), Dispotismo. Genesi e sviluppi di un concetto filosofico-politico, Napoli, Liguori, 2001, vol. 1, p. xvi, if there is only one editor, (eds.) if there are more than one.
In case of more than two co-authors: H. Williams-D. Sullivan-G. Matthews, Francis Fukuyama and the end of history, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1997; or H. Williams et al., Francis Fukuyama and the end of history, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 1997. The same rule applies in case of publication in more than two places.
- b) citation of an essay from a book
First citation: Th. Casadei, Dal dispotismo al totalitarismo : Hannah Arendt, in D. Felice (ed.), Dispotismo. Genesi e sviluppi di un concetto filosofico-politico, Napoli, Liguori, 2001, vol. 2, pp. 625-673, p. 628.
Further citations: Casadei, Dal dispotismo al totalitarismo cit., p. 630.
Otherwise, the guidelines under item a) apply.
In case of another essay in the same volume, with a later citation : N. Urbinati, Figure del dispotismo in John Stuart Mill,in Felice (ed.), Dispotismo cit., vol. 2, pp. 545-574, p. 562.
- c) citation of an essay from a magazine
First citation: A. Fabris, “Verità” e “tempo”, in «Teoria», XX (2000), n. 1, pp. 69-83, p. 75.
For further citations, the guidelines under item a) and item b) apply.
In case of another essay in the same issue, the citation must be repeated in full, to prevent confusion: A.G. Gargani, La grammatica del tempo, in «Teoria», XX (2000), n. 1, pp. 3-29, p. 25.
- d) abbreviations
- = page; pp. = pages; ivi, p. = when citing from the same work as cited in the previous note, but from a different page; ibidem = when the citation is also from the same page number; infra = referring to following pages of one’s own work; supra = referring to previous pages of one’s own work; ss. = following; cfr. = compare; vol. = volume; voll. = volumes; t. = tome; tt. = tomes.